Dr. Angie Carter

Environment, agriculture & food systems, rural justice


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

A declaration of commitments toward agroecology pluralities

Katia Aviles, Kenzo Esquivel, Aidee Guzman, Hannah Duff, Ana Fochesatto, Karen Crespo Trive{\~n}o, Angie Carter, others

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, vol. 13, 2024, p. 85

Artificial intelligence possibilities to improve analytical policy capacity: the case of environmental policy innovation labs and sustainable development goals

Adam M Wellstead, Sidney M Mechling, Angie Carter, Anat Gofen

Policy Design and Practice, Routledge, 2024, pp. 1-12

Berries without Bugs: Recreational Foraging and a Fruit Fly Threat in Rural Michigan

Tara L Bal, Siona M Beaudoin, Angie Carter

Gastronomy and Tourism, vol. 8, Cognizant Communication Corporation, 2024, pp. 21--34

Intersections between rural studies and food justice in the US: some implications for today and the future

Diego Thompson, Angie Carter

Food, Culture & Society, vol. 27, Routledge, 2024, pp. 714--733

New Avenues for Public Value Management and the Role of Nonprofit Policy Innovation Labs: Co-Experience and Social Media

Adam Wellstead, Rowen Schmidt, Angie Carter, Anat Gofen

Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, vol. 15, 2024

Social determinants of rural food security: Findings from Michigan's Upper Peninsula

Hongmei Lu, Angie Carter

Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 107, Pergamon, 2024, p. 103256

Emergent regional collaborative governance in rural local food systems development

Hongmei Lu, Angie Carter

Community Development, vol. 54, Routledge, 2023, pp. 228-256

It doesn't bother me: An intersectional analysis of discrimination among white women farmers in the US Corn Belt

Carly Nichols, Angie Carter

Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 101, Pergamon, 2023, p. 103054

Supporting Women Landowners in Wetland Conservation

Angie Carter, Rebecca Christoffel

Society & Natural Resources, vol. 36, Routledge, 2023, pp. 250--268

It’s not about the fish: Women’s experiences in a gendered recreation landscape

Erin Burkett, Angie Carter

Leisure Sciences, vol. 44, Routledge, 2022, pp. 1013-1030

Social networks as conservation practice: Targeting wetland conservation for women landowners

Angie Carter, Rebecca Christoffel

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 77, Soil and Water Conservation Society, 2022, pp. 69A-74A

Policy innovation lab scholarship: past, present, and the future--Introduction to the special issue on policy innovation labs

Adam M Wellstead, Anat Gofen, Angie Carter

Policy Design and Practice, vol. 4, Routledge, 2021, pp. 193--211

Training future agriculture professionals in landowner--tenant conservation decision-making

Andrea Basche, Angie Carter

Natural Sciences Education, vol. 50, 2021, pp. e20035

Rebranding the Farmer: Formula story revision and masculine symbolic boundaries in US agriculture

Angie Carter, Andres Lazaro Lopez

Feminist Formations, vol. 31, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019, pp. 25-50

Social Justice, Corporate Influence, and Development: Defending the Public Interest at a State University

Angie Carter, Betty Wells, Ahna Kruzic

Theory In Action, vol. 12, Transformative Studies Institute, 2019, pp. 54--85

“We don’t equal even just one man”: Gender and social control in conservation adoption

Angie Carter

Society & Natural Resources, vol. 32, Routledge, 2019, pp. 893-910

Public Action for Public Science: Re-imagining the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture

Angie Carter, Carrie Chennault, Ahna Kruzic

Capitalism Nature Socialism, Taylor \& Francis, 2018, pp. 1--20

Centering the Commons, Creating Space for the Collective: Ecofeminist # NoDAPL Praxis in Iowa.

Angie Carter, Ahna Kruzic

Journal of Social Justice, vol. 7, 2017

Placeholders and changemakers: Women farmland owners navigating gendered expectations

Angie Carter

Rural Sociology, vol. 82, 2017, pp. 499--523

Students creating curriculum change: Sustainable agriculture and social justice

Angie Carter, Claudia M Prado-Meza, Jessica Soulis, Diego Thompson

Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, vol. 3, Iowa State University Digital Press, 2014

Peer-reviewed Book Chapters

Gender, Land, and Agricultural Sustainability: Working Toward Greater Intersectionality for Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

A. Carter, G. Roesch-McNally (equal authorship)

Opening Windows: Emerging Perspectives, Practices, and Opportunities in Natural Resource Social Sciences, chapter 10, University Press of Colorado, Utah State University Press, 2024

Cultivating community resilience: working in solidarity in and beyond crisis

Angie Carter

Gender, Food and COVID-19, Routledge, 2022, pp. 73--80

Women’s farm organizations in the United States: protecting and transforming agricultural power

Angie Carter

Routledge Handbook of Gender and Agriculture, Routledge, 2020, pp. 275--286

“No Oil in Our Soil!”: Shifting Narratives from Commodities to the Commons in Iowa, USA

Angie Carter, Ahna Kruzic

Social Movements Contesting Natural Resource Development, Routledge, 2019

Changes on the Land: Gender and the Power of Alternative Social Networks

Angie Carter

Land Justice: Re-imagining Land, Food, and the Commons, Food First Issue Brief, Food First, 2017, pp. 76--93

Building power through community: Women creating and theorizing change

Angie Carter, Betty Wells, Ashley Hand, Jessica Soulis

Women in Agriculture Worldwide, chapter 15, Routledge, 2016, pp. 225--239

Building power through community: Women creating and theorizing change

Angie Carter, Betty Wells, Ashley Hand, Jessica Soulis

Women in Agriculture Worldwide, Routledge, 2016, pp. 225--239

Learning to transgress: Creating transformative spaces in and beyond the classroom

Angie Carter, Claudia M Prado-Meza, Jessica Soulis

Learning, Food, and Sustainability: Sites for Resistance and Change, Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016, pp. 221--237

Conference Papers & White Papers

Equity in Designing a Summer International Research Experience: Recruitment and Partnerships for a Graduate Field School in El Salvador

John S Gierke, Luke J Bowman, Emily Clark, Kari B Henquinet, Angie Carter

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021, 2021, pp. 847--853

Fotovoz y desarrollo comunitario sostenible: la mujer en la agricultura y la transformaci\'on de espacios rurales

C Prado-Meza, Angie Carter

Ponencia presentada en el “XXI Congreso Alas”, Montevideo, Uruguay~…, 2017

Watershed Stories: Grassroots efforts in Iowa's Raccoon River Watershed

Betty Wells

Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University, 2016

Strategizing Partnerships for Managing Natural Resources

Rebecca Christoffel, Angie Carter

Iowa State University Extension, vol. 75, ISU Extension Publication, 2012, PM--3030A

Using A Process Model to Develop and Assess Natural Resources Programs

Rebecca Christoffel, Angie Carter

Iowa State University Extension, 2012, PM--3030B


Film Review: Truck Farm

Angie Carter

SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA, 2013

Op-eds and other commentary

Here's what's at stake in Iowa's attack on libraries

A. Carter

Iowa Capital Dispatch, https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2024/08/15/heres-whats-at-stake-in-iowas-attack-on-libraries/, 2024 Aug 15

Interview with Angie Carter

Walter Goettlich, Angie Carter

Social Thought & Research, vol. 35, Social Thought and Research, 2019, pp. 17--34

Women Leading Landscape Change

A. Carter

Cindy Prescott, Rural Women's Studies Association, https://ruralwomensstudies.wordpress.com/2019/10/31/women-leading-landscape-change/, 2019 Oct 31

Taking Action for Public Science: Re-Imagining Iowa's Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture

A. Carter, A. Kruzic, C. Chennault

Union of Concerned Scientists, https://blog.ucsusa.org/science-blogger/taking-action-for-public-science-re-imagining-iowas-leopold-center-for-sustainable-agriculture/, 2018

Transforming the Land Grant Mission: Iowa State's Next 20 Years

A. Carter, S. Gailans, G. Roesch-McNally, H. Dankbar, J. Wheelock, J. Nester, A. Noonan

Des Moines Register, https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/iowa-view/2017/10/17/transforming-land-grant-mission-iowa-states-next-20-years/771598001/, 2017 Oct 17

Leopold Center needs a bold vision for the future

A. Basche, A. Carter, C. Chennault, G. Roesch-McNally

Des Moines Register, https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/iowa-view/2017/05/22/leopold-center-needs-bold-vision-future/337322001/, 2017 May 22

Putting Science Into Practice: Why We Need to Play Our Part

A. Carter

Union of Concerned Scientists, https://blog.ucsusa.org/science-blogger/putting-science-into-practice-why-we-need-to-play-our-part/, 2017 Mar 8

Creative Writing

What's at stake in Iowa's attack on libraries?

A. Carter

M. Swander, J. Calsbeek, Blazing Star, AgArts, https://www.agarts.org/whats-at-stake-in-iowas-attack-on-libraries-by-angie-carter/, 2024 Jul

Tributaries: On Thinking Downstream

A. Carter

Compelling Ground: Landscapes, Environments, and Peoples of Iowa, Iowa State University Brunnier Art Museum., 2021

A Feminist’s Guide to Fighting Pipelines

Ahna Kruzic, Angie Carter

Fracture: Essay Poems, and Stories on Fracking in America, 2016, pp. 226--30